- ⭐️ 8/10
- 🌡 Easy
- ⏳ 90 Minutes
- 👥 3 – 5 Person
Jumanji is what in Athens they like to call a comedy room. There are a few of those that we have played and are essentially puzzle rooms, which usually do not have very complex puzzles and the point is mostly to have fun in the interactions with the actor which accompanies you most of the experience.
This format is always controversial in the sense that some escapers do not really enjoy this kind of interactions, however for those who do, this room is truly a fun game. In some cases, enthusiast dislike this format because the person in the room is a disguised game master with good or in the worst case not so good acting skills. However, this seldomly happens in Athens where the actors generally excel in their roles.
Without spoiling much the role of the actor reminded me a lot of Survivor, a game from Athens that closed its doors a while ago in which you were accompanied by a quite crazy guy. I liked how the actor stayed in his role throughout the game and beyond which resulted in some entertaining moments.
In terms of set the game is relatively small, particularly for Athens standards and is by far not as impressive as sets with the same topic that can be found in many other European countries, however it is correctly done and fulfills its goal of providing a frame for the puzzles and more importantly the amusing interactions.
If you enjoy this kind of games, I would certainly recommend it, as we had a lot of fun.