The Ghost Writer

This is a review of the Escape Room “The Ghost Writer” offered by Horror Productions in Athens, Greece.
  • ⭐️ 9.5/10
  • 🌡 Difficult
  • ⏳ 120 Minutes
  • 👥 3 – 6 Person

“This looks like a good story room which is not that scary” ~ Sem Janssen, Famous last words.

When we entered the building with a Redbull because we needed energy, we only new we were fans picking up an autograph from the Ghost Writer. Sounded simple and safe enough. When we spoke to someone in the house the first question was if we wanted our experience “physical”. Obviously as the most brave (and absent due to a toilet break) player in the team, my team chose for me I wanted it physical so I was up for something different with this so called “Ghost Writer”. I think giving players this option is a good thing because it allows them to have a customized experience without being forced into some things they don’t like.

Entering the room itself, we saw a very good setting with some nice (not too loud) music and some very good lighting. I remember the lighting in this room specifically because I considered it to be very good!

The puzzles/tasks in this room were of good level and forced players to really think in a scary environment while also having to go to scary places. I like this blend in Horror games!

The most important thing in this room for me was the story. The name doesn’t make it sound like a horror game at all, but it really is! The room is a real storytelling masterpiece with some really good cinematics and acting. The story has a good plot and is actually really dark. I already teased the physical part of this game but for me it really elevated the experience to something more. Because of the first encounter with the actor, we knew he was crazy and he was after me. The idea of him catching you as a player really raised the adrenaline, making this an unforgettable experience. Yet, if you are just not that kind of player, it’s still a really good game without the physical contact. Also this acting is improvised and not at all scripted. I think its good that the actor acts on the spot on what a team wants and adapts to their playstyle. Only point I liked less was the “in your face” jumpscares all the time. There were sooo many, they could have lowered it a bit. At some point the screaming just got a bit too much. Keep it in mind while playing this great game!

All in all, I recommend you play this game, it’s very good in doing the cinematics and raising the tension and adrenaline just enough for everyone to love it! Also big shoutout to the actors making this game a one-of-a-kind experience!

Picture of Sem Janssen

Sem Janssen