
Monthly Archives: January 2021

Showdown – Elviras große Nummer

Vorgeschichte: Was ist die Anti-Schlabbeck-Force (ASF)?Im August 1988 wurde die 16-jährige Madita im Neuwieder Einkaufzentrum Schlemmerkuppel tot aufgefunden. Maditas Bruder Anton war sich damals schon sicher, dass deren eigener Bruder, Schlachter Franz-Josef Schlabbeck, die Schwester auf dem Gewissen hat. Seit damals gibt es an jedem 8. August ein Todesopfer. Mit […]

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SOS: Sasquatch On-Site

SOS: Sasquatch On-Site

Bigfoot is a humanoid cryptid of considerable size, with oversized feet and heavy furry hair, said to have been sighted in the Rocky Mountains in particular. In Canada, Bigfoot is also called Sasquatch, which stands for “hairy giant” in the aboriginal language. So far, no generally accepted evidence for the […]

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CONTRAPTION by Escapologic (Nottingham)

Escapologic in Nottingham, UK is one of those must-play venues and has been nominated in the TERPECA’s every year, so when I heard that they were opening a remote avatar room, I was rather curious to see which one it would be. I guessed it would be one of two, […]

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