Nakatomi Plaza
- ⭐️ 8.8/10
- 🌡 Medium
- ⏳ 100 Minutes
- 👥 2 – 6 Person
At the end of the 80ies, one of the most legendary action movies celebrated its debut and it was the starting signal for further successful sequels: Die Hard.
The attack on the hotel Nakatomi Plaza was the beginning of a wild manhunt of John McClaine, played by the glamorous Bruce Willis.
What will surprise movie fans at this point: The Nakatomi Plaza actually is nowadays a real place and it exists in Barcelona.
Our special squad team received the order to infiltrate and check the hotel disguised as maintenance workers. Already the start of the game caused a first unexpected surprise and when entering the hotel, the gamemaster was brilliant in his role as bellboy – and so much can be said: It is not his only role. The gamemaster’s acting talent provided many entertaining and surprising moments throughout the whole game – definitely a great strength of this escape room.
As the game progressed, there were a few tricky puzzles to be solved, which had to be skilfully combined in order to be able to prevent a possible attack on time for the start of the New Years Eve. We worked our way through the various hotel rooms, which looked very authentic in terms of setting and provided a lot of variety in the game. The rather hectic end of the game gave us the necessary adrenaline rush that probably drives real special agents in their daily work. Definitely a must-play room in Barcelona for escape room enthusiasts who already know the high rated signature rooms of Mad Mansion.