Soup Du Jour
- ⭐️ 9.3/10
- 🌡 Difficult
- ⏳ 60 Minutes
- 👥 2 – 6 Person
Rock City Escape had made a name for itself with their first game Bloody Mary, so I was particularly curious about how their second room was going to be.
The original location and in-character introduction (which they had also in their first game) definitely adds value to the experience. I also appreciated the fact, that they chose to maintain a coherent thematic line related to the monastery (which really existed in the place the company is located).
The great thing about this game is that while still remains relatively classic, as it is usual in the Netherlands, it stands out in pretty much in all categories. The ambiance is fantastic, and it makes a very original use of audiovisuals, which was not only beautiful, but also something I had not ever seen and I doubt that it can be found in many places at this level, if at all. The puzzles are really good, original, and always linked to the space and the story, including several which require teamwork, and if that was not enough you will find a decent number of surprises.
While the topic is somewhat creepy, as suggested by the poster, it is not a real horror room, and with the exception of one or two moments I think it can be easily played by people that are not into scary rooms, as not playing this game would be a real sin (pun intended), given the overall quality.
Soup du jour is a must-play game in the Netherlands and, in my view, deservedly made it in the Terpeca’s Top 50 this year. I can only now eagerly await their third room, which has already been hinted at and is under construction, although a name has not officially been announced, and which will also be connected thematically to the previous rooms.