
Ranked Playlist Belgrade

[Last Update: January 2024] We played 35 Escape Games from 11 different providers in Belgrade. As always, we asked other enthusiasts about their opinions about our playlist. 11 enthusiasts from 5 different countries who had played an average of 23,4 rooms on our list cast their ballot.

Ranked Playlist Belgarde
Ranked Playlist Belgrade
1Crowbar EscapePIRATES0no9011121111111
2Escape ManiaROBIN HOOD0no6032312332222
3Hell Escape RoomsRING5yes602x7xxx2xxx3
4MMR Escape Rooms 2AVENGERS0no608xxxxx8xxx6
5Belgrade Escape RoomsALADDIN´S LAMP1no6010xxxx49xx614
6Escape ManiaHANGOVER0no60488159210x1245
7Escape ManiaVOODOO TALES0no606413107x1137x15
8PIN Escape Room 3WILD WEST0no60561111556x81118
10MMR Escape Rooms 2LORD OF THE RINGS0yes6073x7x167xx174
11PIN Escape Room 1MURDER AT THE MASONIC LODGE0yes60147124362756521
12AlkomINDIANA JONES0no6015105612x517xxx
13Epic EscapeEXCALIBUR0no6011129581018731216
14Escape ManiaTAVERN YUGOSLAVIA0no6013910146x12x11x19
15MMR Escape Rooms 1ANABEL: HAUNTED HOUSE0yes6016xxxxx201210x9
16Epic EscapeTHE MISSING SYMPHONY4yes60121161911819109913
17PIN Escape Room 4NARCOS PRISON BREAK 1yes60181316815x4917x10
18MMR Escape Rooms 1ESCAPE FROM AZKABAN0no6021xx16xx23135x8
19PIN Escape Room 2THE INQUISITION TREASURE0no601716431717134x1324
20PIN Escape Room 2THE SECRET LIBRARY0no60225211210x16616x27
21Exit Escape Room SerbiaMISSING BOWLER0no6024xxxx71518187x
22MMR Escape Rooms 2THE DEATH PENALTY0no6025xxxx1229xx1011
23PIN Escape Room 2LOST IN THE JUNGLE0no601914202116x17x13x12
24PIN Escape Room 4THE WIZARD'S CURSE0no60201918x14132411x817
25Exit Escape Room SerbiaTHE FIRST SERBIAN UPRISING0no60282014x201121xx3x
26PIN Escape Room 3HORROR VILLAINS1yes6029x2513xx14x15x22
27PIN Escape Room 1BUTCHER‘S DUNGEON 3yes602315242041534x41620
28DIL Escape RoomsHOSTEL 130no6031x19xxx228xx29
29PIN Escape Room 1DRACULA'S CHAMBERS0no6027x171813x311414x23
30MMR Escape Rooms 1BELGRADE INVESTIGATORS2no6033xx9xx2815xx28
31DIL Escape RoomsTHE DEVIL IN ME4yes6026x23xxx26xxx26
32Exit Escape Room SerbiaALIEN INVASION0no6034x22xx933xx14x
33Exit Escape Room SerbiaBALKAN EXPRESS0no60301715x18x321619xx
34Belgrade Escape RoomsTHE WITCH0no6035xx17x1425xx1530
35MMR Escape Rooms 1SERIAL KILLER0yes603218xx19x35xxx25