
Ranked Playlist Portugal

[Last Update: Mai 2024] We played 18 Escape Games from 6 different providers in Portugal. As always, we asked other enthusiasts and bloggers about their opinions about our playlist. 15 enthusiasts from 5 different countries who had played an average of 12,3 rooms on our list cast their ballot.

Ranked Playlist of Escape Games in Portugal
Ranked Playlist Portugal
1Escape2Win (Lisbon)UNDERGROUND4yes701x1xx21144xx2xx
2D3 Escape Rooms (Porto)CATIVEIRO1no6031xxx48211xx3xx
3Occultus Room Escape (Porto)DEAD CITY1no60288xx12x66xxxxx
4Escape2Win (Algés)THE BASEMENT4yes604x54x844221x15xx
5Occultus Room Escape (Porto)CASA DE MOEDA 20no6067xx1113x55x1742
6D3 Escape Rooms (Porto)STRANGER ROOM0no6053285353xx47473
7Occultus Room Escape (Porto)THE GAME0no60105x1491083324936
8Occultus Room Escape (Porto)CASA DE MOEDA 10no60923x2129999x6851
9Porto Exit Games (Porto)CYBER CUBE0no60711x210767xx1021217
10D3 Escape Rooms (Porto)GUILTY0yes608410107575141455665
11Porto Exit Games (Porto)THE SACRIFICE (Porto)1no601297331315xxx6x13x4
12Porto Exit Games (Porto)DARK CUBE0no601612xxx1016xxxxx1xx
13Escape2Win (Algés)DREAM0no6014x46x1611612127x11xx
14Game Over (Lisbon)THE SCREAM OF AGRABAH0no6011x95111413x888x10x9
15Porto Exit Games (Porto)LOST MEMORIES PORTO 21470no60151461291514x7712317210
16Escape Hunt (Lisbon)THE GREAT FAIR0no60131311111261210101011x5x11
17Occultus Room Escape (Porto)HANGOVER (Porto)0no60186x961818x131338168x
18Escape Hunt (Lisbon)THE MYSTERY OF FERNANDO PESSOA0no601710127817171111118x14x8