
Ranked Playlist Strassbourg

[Last Update: April 2024] We played 13 Escape Games from 4 different providers in Strassbourg. As always, we asked other enthusiasts and bloggers about their opinions about our playlist. 10 enthusiasts from 4 different countries who had played an average of 11,3 rooms on our list cast their ballot.

Ranked Playlist of Escape Games in Strassbourg
Ranked Playlist Strassbourg
1A Maze InA MONSTER IN THE CLOSED0no901121111261
2Dooz EscapeLYCANTHROPIE1yes902214376xx6
3Les Secret du SablierTHE FORBIDDEN CITY0no603463734x94
4Little Red DoorGHOST: GHOST HUNTERS0no604552267385
5Little Red DoorTHE AZTEC TEMPLE: THE MAYA PROPHECY0no605976553453
6A Maze InICARUS0no90733131222742
7Dooz EscapeEL ROCK'S BOOK OF SPELLS0no9068484912x19
8Little Red DoorTHE LAST BREAK0no60911x71185138
9Little Red DoorPIRATES OF THE 7 SEAS0no60812898x852x
10A Maze InMAMMA MAFIA0no60106115611106x11
11A Maze InHACKER NOT FOUND0no6012109101349xx7
12Dooz EscapeBATTLE FOR NEO STRASSBOURG0no6011xx129xxx7x
13A Maze InASYLUM 19200no6013710111010118x10