
This is a review of the Escape Room “Ouija” offered by Horror Box in Barcelona, Spain.
  • ⭐️ 8.5/10
  • 🌡 Medium
  • ⏳ Minutes
  • 👥 2 – 6 Person

Horror Box in Barcelona lives up to its name. They operate three rooms, which are either Scary (Ouija and Saw) or a very special experience (Catalepsia).

Ouija, for a long time unfortunately only playable in Spanish, is now also offered in English. However the translation is not yet one hundred percent finished, because one or the other hint was still in Spanish.

Together with the Game Master, there is a longer, more playful introduction that puts you in the right mood and immerse you in the game. The actual playing time is 60 minutes.

Ouija has some nice, scary elements that make the game supernatural, ghostly and creepy, and that move the players to certain actions that they would rather avoid in such an environment ?.

The ambience is very nice for this kind of game. The light, noises, smells, the manner in which notices are communicated. The set design is excellent and the puzzles are varied.

Ouija is recommendable scary escape game with high scare and fun factor which you should not play with more than four people.

By the way, Horror Box takes photos again after playing! Unfortunately this was not the case for a while.

Picture of Heiner Stepen

Heiner Stepen