Call or die
- ⭐️ 9.5/10
- 🌡 Difficult
- ⏳ 85 Minutes
- 👥 3 – 5 Person
Shadow Island doesn’t exactly sound like a calm city, so it’s quite fitting that in that city 3 senior officials have been kidnapped. Your goal – infiltrate the safe houses in which they are kept, free them, and get back out alive!
This has been the 11th game that we’ve played in this trip, and it flew straight to my top room of this trip, and one of the best rooms I’ve ever played. It has everything I love about escape rooms – great puzzles. Fantastic story. Amazing acting. Moments of laughter, moments of tension, and a lot of action and running from place to place in the great set that they’ve built.
At some point in the future they will open the rooms sequel (which will be the 3rd in the trilogy) – and as soon as that will happen, I will be standing on their doorstep – but hopefully by then we won’t need a mask, because my god, every breath of air is needed in this room.