Project Avengers

- ⭐️ 8/10
- 🌡 Medium
- ⏳ 120 Minutes
- 👥 2 – 6 Person
When Santiago sent us the trip schedule, one room theme stood out immediately – Avengers!
We meet with the leader of the agent of SHIL (…), who explained to us that the Infinity Stones were scattered in the past! Luckily, thanks to the technology of Mr Estark (yep), we were able to travel to the location of the stones, retrieve them, and defeat the evil foe!
The room is not the most high-tech one, or biggest one, but it really is a love letter to Marvel. The room is full to the brim with references to characters and locations of the MCU. I’ve shrieked many times along the room, and kept carrying some prop element in it for most of the room, just for its epicness.
If you enjoy the movies, give this one a shot, and prepare to be pushed of a high mountain.
Ok, maybe that reference wasn’t copied 1-1.