Medieval Torture Exhibition

This is a review of the Escape Room “Medieval Torture Exhibition” offered by The Museum in Athens, Greece.
  • ⭐️ 9/10
  • 🌡 Medium
  • ⏳ 120 Minutes
  • 👥 4 – 8 Person

Located in the far North of the city, getting there was already an adventure. We left with enough time and tried to use public transport, but with our non-existent Greek language skills and some unfortunate decisions we ended up taking a taxi from the middle of nowhere, after at least one taxi did not want to bring us there. Because we came from a funny direction, the taxi had to go through some shady areas, and he told us so. Therefore, as a recommendation to future travelers, take a cab or similar and go directly to the place.

There are two reasons to go there: the first one is because directly across the street there is one great game, that was already reviewed called Don’t take a breath, probably one of the best movie inspired rooms out there and the second one is because The Museum provides for a great, fun, “break in” experience.

I am sure some of the readers have played one or more “museum rooms”, and usually it is connected to some kind of “break in” and/or object retrieval mission. While the story is similar to other thematic equivalent rooms, this rooms stands out for several motives.

First of all, due to the acting. Acting is embedded in the Greek escape room culture to the point, that I have heard them referring to escape rooms without actors as “puzzle rooms”. The acting is usually of very good quality and this was also the case here, it involves a lot of interaction and role playing. I know some people are not into that, but if you like it, you will surely enjoy this aspect.

Another highlight is the whole set, there are things that resemble a museum so much, that it looks real. This is definitely not one of those museum rooms, where the entire museum consists of a single room of dubious realism. On the contrary, they have done a really good job and it had some elements that were really museum like.

The only problem in the gameplay we encountered, is that you do some things in parallel and when one group is much faster than the other, you can spend some time without anything to do, but I liked also the way they managed in order to minimize that time. The puzzles were decent, but maybe not the main focus or the most original aspect. The main aspect of the games is connected to the interactions and trying to fulfill your mission in a funny way, this coupled with the nice set provides for a very entertaining experience. I also found a nice detail the nod to another famous escape room in Athens.

Picture of Santiago Onel

Santiago Onel

Originally from Uruguay and living in the Netherlands I have played over 850 rooms. Other than my role as Terpeca ambassador for the Benelux since 2023, I also perform hard work as chauffeur, scheduler, reviewer, ranked playlist contributor (forcibly) and translator for Heiner.