Participants: 78 Players (15 Nations, 27 Teams) Game: EXORCIST – CLICK&PLAY by Exmergency Exit Date: Sun. 30. May 2021 Time: 8:00PM CET Mission time: ~60 minutes (for normal players) Team: 2-4 Players Price: £16* / Team
* Using the discount code for our tournament to get £5 off (the regular price would be £21)
Story: Your haunted house ghost tour has been cancelled due to lock down. However you must get the tour guide to safety away from the evil within this evil House. The legend has it that anyone who stays longer than one hour will simply disappear. Crowley Manor is famously known for strange happenings. Recently in the news again after the disappearance of a priest sent by the Vatican to investigate the Evil that lurks in the House. The father has also left a trail of clues for anyone else to follow if he didn’t make it. Can you and your team lead your unsuspecting tour guide to safety?