- ⭐️ 8.8/10
- 🌡 Medium
- ⏳ 75 Minutes
- 👥 2 – 5 Person
Catacombs or Katakumby, as the Polish title of the room is, comes off a little too badly for my taste both in Terpeca (rank 272) and in our Ranked Playlist Poland (rank 22 of 93). It would be interesting to know why. Maybe there was an update, similar to Black Cat’s MURDERER’S HOUSE REMASTERED, and some enthusiasts only know the original version, which was shorter and without actors.
Anyway, I really liked the room. For me, it was one of the highlights of Warsaw and a nice end to our Escape Trip through Poland, during which we played 30 rooms in 5 cities.
There were two of us, which was also a suitable team size due to some narrow passages. With more than four people, I think the fun of the game will suffer.
Catacombs took quite a long time to build, which you can see when you look at the many beautiful details. I particularly liked one of the mechanical puzzles, which requires good communication. Teamwork is also required in some of the other tasks.
A beautiful setting, well-done transitions and also the one or other surprise round off the experience at Zagadkownia. For me, Catacombs is a must-play in Warsaw.
Watch out! Zagadkownia has two branches in Warsaw, about a 10-minute walk apart. It also happened to us that we were in the wrong place.