Mutant X-perience
- ⭐️ 7.5/10
- 🌡 Medium
- ⏳ 90 Minutes
- 👥 2 – 6 Person
I love rooms that do something different. I love them so much. As the industry grows, and more and more rooms are created, there are a few types of rooms that emerge. Some try to do the same but better, and some try to pave a new path forward, into new and unexplored areas in this industry. This room was of the latter kind. Each player has to choose a super power, that he alone can use during the journey, meaning each and every player is important.
I won’t list the super powers available, but the room’s creator went on a very unpredictable direction here. The super powers chosen felt unexpected, and not the “obvious” ones that I would have guessed will be used.
In a room like this one, the experience of each player is very different, so it’s sort of more complicated to compare experiences, even within the same group. Now, I know what you’re thinking.
Well, not really, but during the room I could, since I chose the telepathy power (~Professor X). My personal experience was one of the more unique ones that I’ve experienced in a room, providing me with a few moments that felt really epic, and really suited game style in rooms.
The usage of the powers in puzzles was good (although one aspect was slightly repetition), and the story kept evolving, creating a room that has a really different and cool take on super hero games, that definetly makes me want to get some super heroes asap.